Guitar Lessons London Ontario – Forest City Guitar Lessons

Do you know a major reason why most people never learn to play guitar the way they really want?

I’ll give you hint…

It’s NOT a lack of time, because their hands are too small, or they’re “too old” to learn to play.

90% of guitar players fail because they don’t set specific guitar playing goals.

Most of the time their “goals” are vague, or completely non-existent.

They don’t set specific, long-term goals for their guitar playing.

And just to be clear… “Learning to play guitar” is NOT a specific long-term goal!

Now, you may be wondering… Why is this important? Isn’t this what my teacher is for?

Well… Yes, and no.

Let’s look at this another way:

Imagine you’re going to go on a road trip… You pack your bags, load the car, and start driving.

But, you haven’t picked a destination for your trip.

… Where the heck are you going to end up?

Not somewhere you really want to be.

You end up driving around aimlessly for 2 days, eating lukewarm hotdogs at gas stations, and coming back home disappointed and sore from sitting in the car.

That would be a very different experience than planning the destination FIRST.

You decide to take a trip to Mexico. Now, the entire process is easy… You find a resort, book your stay, plan your flights, pack your bags, get to the airport…

… And the second the plane touches down in Mexico, you’re exactly where you wanted to go.

Not setting clear long-term goals for your guitar playing is like going on a road trip without a destination.

In my experience, guitar students who set specific goals not only achieve them, but surpass them.

And THIS is where having a great teacher comes in.

A certified guitar teacher will start with your end goal in mind — and work backwards step-by-step to create a plan to help you get there.

They create the path for you. You just have to put one foot in front of the other and walk down down the path.

Everything you learn is focused, effective, and gets you closer to being a better guitar player.


(This is why I not only ask my students about their goals, but I also take detailed notes on each and every student to track their progress over time).

5 Easy Steps To Create
Kick-Butt Guitar Playing Goals

“Goals are dreams we convert to plans and take action to fulfill.” - Zig Ziglar

1) Imagine the wildest, craziest, “no way I could ever do that” thing you wish you could do on guitar.

2) Write it down.

3) Find a certified guitar teacher and TELL THEM YOUR GOALS — even if you think it’s embarrassing or sounds totally nuts.

4) Take lessons with your teacher, and commit yourself to your guitar playing.

IMPORTANT: At this point, don’t worry about how long you think it will take!

Chances are, you’re wrong — it’s usually a lot faster than you think.

Let your certified guitar teacher handle the planning.

You just need to walk down the path.

5) If your goals change over time, TELL YOUR TEACHER so they can adjust your customized learning strategy appropriately.

Good news… You’ve already started looking for a great guitar teacher! This is a big step in the right direction.

So… What are YOUR guitar playing goals?

Tell Me about your guitar playing goals!

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